Thank You, Your Generosity Matters.
We appreciate your support of the various ministries here at St. Paul’s. Ministry is a wonderful blessing to many people with burdens to be carried by the many people who serve. Your donation helps us to fulfill our commitment to serve.
We have a number of seasonal members who spend time with us throughout various times of the year but would still like to support the ministry here at other times in the year as well. This page gives them the ability to support St. Paul’s in its mission in Durango.
The bottom line is that ministry costs money. We seek to be very transparent about where donations go and what they do. If you would like to know more please see the “contact us” and make your request known to Pastor or the church office.
Donate to Our ministry expansion campaign
Growing to Serve the Kingdom is our plan, led by Jesus, to be a loving Christian community caring for people's greatest need for years to come. The road forward will take our devotion, our prayers, our time, and our finances. Throughout the history of St. Paul’s, members have stepped forward in faith to build our current ministries and facilities. It took people like you being engaged and active in those events and ministries. We believe the time is now to involve you as a partner to continue this work so that we may continue to bless generations to come, who will lift up the Lord’s name in Durango until He returns.
Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration and suggestions on how St. Paul's can best serve our community in the years to come. Help us dream big! We invite you to commit to regular service, financial giving, and daily prayer because Jesus gave us this work to do in His name. We can only accomplish this ministry work if together as God’s faithful family, we fully commit and give generously.
May Jesus guide you and all of us in our work Growing to Serve the Kingdom.
Donate now with a check or cash and a memo that you’d like your contribution to go to the Ministry Expansion Campaign