Sunday Worship Services
Every Sunday 9:30 AM - See Calendar
Gathering in worship is the heart of our identity as a congregation. In worship we focus squarely on Jesus Christ, who is present through His Word and Sacraments. Our doctrine is lived out in motion through our worship. Each portion of the service functions to acknowledge our need for a savior or to express the joy of our forgiveness at the foot of the cross.
March 30 - The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Around the Word Devotions for March 23-29, 2025
Around the Word Devotions for March 30-April 5, 2025
Devotions for Lent 2025 - “Servant of the Lord” by Lutheran Hour Ministries
Next Worship:
Adult Bible Study
Every Sunday 11:00 AM - See Calendar
Growing in faith and knowledge is a very important part of our life as a Christian. Topical studies give us opportunities to delve into discussions and issues that need to be talked about by the church. Sometimes the topics are more superficial, like the origin of the phrase “hocus pocus”, and other times digging deeper into what is expected of us as we live our lives together as a community of faith.
Next Bible Study:
Elev8 Youth Group (For High School Youth)
1st Sunday of Every Month 4:00-6:00 PM - More About Elev8
Being young in a changing culture is tough. Being a student is demanding. Living the life of a Christian who follows Jesus is more difficult still. To do them all together…we need help and support. The intent of Elev8 is to have a place that is designed for Christians to gather in fellowship, grow in faith, and support each other to go and live a life that is faithful to all of our responsibilities.
Women's Bible Study
Thursdays 1:30 PM - At Church - See Calendar - Get Directions
These ladies enjoy studying and working their way through a book of the Bible, using a study published by Living Way Bible Study. These studies have been the focus of this group from their first gathering in 2003. All ladies are welcome to join us.
Next Thursday Class:
Bell Choir
Practice Mondays 6:00 PM - See Calendar
Handbells – St. Paul's Lutheran Handbell Choir has a 20-year history and is a tool in our church that encourages teamwork, relationships, and cooperation. Our handbell choir has grown and developed into a 2-octave choir, with active participation in our worship service and in our community. The sounds of handbells add new dimensions to our congregational songs and hymns, and the practice of ringing incorporates our ministry into the church service.
Next Practice:
Joy Class (For People With Developmental Disabilities)
Every Second & Fourth Wednesday 1:30 PM - See Calendar
Joy Class – The purpose of Joy Class is to reach out in friendship and share the Gospel with adults who have disabilities. This group has been meeting since 1996. June Dunn and others gather with these wonderful people to sing songs of praise to God, have bible study, do crafts, enjoy snacks and each other’s company.
Next Class:
Lutheran Women In Mission (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League)
Every Second Wednesday 6:00 PM - See Calendar
The work of these Lutheran women in mission reaches people of all walks of life, foreign and domestic, in the interest of advancing of witness, mercy, and life together for all those who are loved into life through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hospitality is one of the greatest tools that this group uses to grow and bring awareness of its blessings to this church and beyond.
Next Meeting: